Bethlehem University Library Home Page


Policies and Procedures


For Faculty / Staff

Loan Procedures

Faculty may borrow up to twenty books at one time for a period of 8 weeks.  The University ID card serves as the library card.  Faculty must not lend books to students under the faculty member’s name; such a practice creates confusion in the circulation records.  All books are due to be returned at the end of each semester; it’s important to keep the circulation record up-to-date.

Reference books do not circulate except for class use; books borrowed must be returned immediately after use.  The latest issue of periodicals may be borrowed for the weekend only.  Loose back issues may be borrowed for one week.  Bound periodicals are treated like reference books.

Read Audio-visual Loan Policy

Reserve Shelf

Faculty may put books and other materials on the Reserve Shelf located at the circulation desk.  Bring such materials and fill out the appropriate form; indicate whether the reserve material is to be borrowed overnight or is reserved for room use only.  Loose pages will not be accepted unless properly compiled.


Periodical Room

Periodicals are arranged on the racks by categories such as: General, Science, Nursing, etc.  Back issues are kept in the red boxes on the shelves until a volume is complete.  When the volume is bound it is moved to the second floor in the bound periodicals section.  The cardex lists in alphabetical order all the available periodical subscriptions, indicating the starting date of the subscription, missing issues, and bound volumes.  Periodical indexes are also available.


Audiovisual Center

The AV collection includes non-print materials and equipment to support the instructional program.  Faculty can borrow videocassettes, audio cassettes, CD-ROMs, disks, DVDs and the necessary equipment for their use.  Also the center provides the facility for their use.  Reservation should be made three days in advance of the need.

Read Audio-visual Loan Policy

Book Selection

The library has a book selection policy within which the professional staff of the library operates.  Teachers are encouraged to recommend specific titles in their fields of specialty.  Each department/faculty is allocated a certain budget for purchasing books. Use "Online Acquisition" under "Library Services" on the library website to request new books for purchase.  The general policy is to purchase a single copy of each title.  Books needed for faculty offices are not included in library purchases.  The ultimate responsibility for book selection rests with the Library Director and the professional staff.  When the purchased books arrive they are processed and placed in the new books display cases.

Library Liaison Team (LLT)

The purpose of the LLT is to communicate concerns and interests between the library staff and the faculty for the purpose of improving library resources and services.  The team is composed of a representative of each department/faculty and the heads of each section of the library.  A single annual meeting with all the representatives is scheduled in the fall semester.

Read also Faculty Guide to Bethlehem University Library

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