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The Arab World Geographer, Volume 14

The World's Largest Scholarly Content Host MetaPress provides content management and end-user access websites for e-content from the world's leading publishers.

For Researchers: You can have a full access to 13,000 ebook titles published from 2005-2008, as Bethlehem University Library purchases from leading publishers at the MetaPress reader site.

MetaPress has enabled online access for the Bethlehem University Library institutional MetaPress account to Volume 14 of the online edition of the Arab World Geographer.

Notes on how to use SpringerLink (Metapress):
When you type your key word search, you will get the results numbered from 1 and so on.
Beside each number to the left there is a box which appears in three different shapes
          1)     means we have access to the ebook
          2)      means access to some chapters of the ebook
          3)     means we have no access to the ebook ( only abstract)

To the right side of the search result, you can refine your search results or do new search.

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