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Academic Search Premier

 Earlier in the academic year the Academy for Educational Development (AED) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) conducted a USAID-funded project to assess the needs of higher education institutions for electronic journal databases.  Part of the project was a trial period whereby Bethlehem University Library provided access to four online databases.  Feedback was provided by some faculty and staff at the conclusion of the trial period.  Nasser Saleh who conducted the project prepared a final report which is available in the library.

At the recent meeting of the Committee of Academic Libraries the collective decision was taken to subscribe to EBSCO Academic Search Premier Database (ASP) on a consortium basis.  MOEHE and AED have initiated the subscription process to open accounts for the universities in the West Bank and Gaza.  The license will be effective from March 1, 2005 until February 28, 2006.  In the meantime EBSCO has agreed to provide access to ASP database during February at no extra charge.

Academic Search Premier is the world’s largest scholarly, multi-discipline, full text database designed specifically for academic institutions.  This resource indexes 8,175 publications and contains full text for more than 4,700 of those titles.  PDF back files to 1975 or further are available for well over 100 journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.  This scholarly collection provides full text journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study – including arts and literature, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, education, engineering, ethnic studies, humanities, language and linguistics, medical sciences, physics, psychology, religion and theology, and social sciences.

This service is a tremendous resource that would not be possible without the funding of an external agency.  I urge all faculty to take full advantage of incorporating its use in the courses.  Students now have access to unlimited resources not provided before.  Take time to explore the potential use of this valuable resource.


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