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Springer holds workshop at B.U. Library

On 16 December 2010, Thursday, at 10:100 AM, a workshop sponsored by Springer Publishers to demonstrate access to their e-books/e-journals was organized here at B.U. Library attended by librarians from the West Bank universities. There were 14 participants, among them Birzeit and An-Najah universities who have heralded the acquisition of this enticing offer from Springer.

Dr. Irene Hazou, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs welcomed the participants and expressed hope and enthusiasm in this new venture of getting into the world of advance technology, in particular, access by our academic clientele to hundreds of e-book titles and journals.

Asdaa Kotani, Managing Director and David Elek, Global Director, Emerging Markets were the Springer representatives who facilitated the workshop. An interesting and an encouraging presentation was given by Asdaa on the usage of e-books/e-journals by Birzeit faculty and students.

Bethlehem University Library joins the ranks of its sister universities (Birzeit and An-Najah) and is the third library in the consortium of West Bank university libraries to enter into partnership with Springer in its offer of a wide array of e-books and e-journals. As we progress with the project of digitization, it is hoped that we will plunge full swing in campaigning for a much wider use of resources in electronic format.


Below are photos that capture the activities of the workshop:

Dr. Irene Hazou, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs welcomes the workshop participants to Bethlehem University.

View of University Librarians with Mr. David Elek, Springer Global Director (far left, first row)

Mr. Asdaa Kotani, Springer Managing Director, demonstrates using an e-book on an i-pad.

Reception after the workshop at BU’s Institute of Hotel Management restaurant

Workshop participants pose for a souvenir photo

Vera Koussa (right), signs agreement with Asdaa from Springer as David, Irene and Mellie look on (2nd row).


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