Bethlehem University Library Home Page





In order to serve the University community, the Library staff must provide the necessary resources, services, and facilities. This is accomplished through each one’s knowledge of the University’s mission statement and the Library’s goals/objectives; a smooth working relationship with other university offices, guided by a personnel code of conduct policies as well as a working knowledge of the functions and job descriptions of each library staff who, together as a team, serve the academic community of Bethlehem University.

This Manual aims to delineate all of the above information for a more comprehensive, smooth, effective and efficient service by the University Library Staff.




The mission of the Bethlehem University Library – in consonance with the over-all mission of the University to serve the Palestinian youth with quality education - is to serve the academic community of students, administration, faculty and staff by providing materials, resources, services, and facilities to meet curriculum-related and research-based needs.

More concretely, the Library pursues this mission through acquiring, organizing, and maintaining the requisite information resources, equipment, and materials in various formats; producing audio-visual materials, providing electronic format services and enhancing the learning-teaching process in the classroom through the use of the streaming server.

The Library serves as a vital component of the educational mission of the University by creating and providing an environment conducive to learning.

The Library also makes its resources and services available to visiting researchers, Bethlehem University graduates as well as other off-campus users.




In consonance with the above mission statement, the Library aims to:



Provide collections and services to meet the needs and interests of the academic community.



Promote the awareness and use of the library's resources and services.



Coordinate and open channels of communication with the university faculties and departments for the sake of developing the library collection and improving the services.



Utilize appropriate technologies to maintain and improve library operation and services.



Develop and maintain mutual relationships with other libraries in the region and    with cultural and educational institutions.



Attract and develop qualified and highly motivated staff who are service-oriented.  Create a work atmosphere of professional competence to achieve high standards of performance and productivity.



Provide and maintain appropriate and upgraded facilities to enrich the learning-teaching process.





Vice Chancellor: Being the chief executive officer of the University, all major decisions on library policies, rules and regulations, etc. have to be authorized by the Vice Chancellor or his delegate.

The Library Director submits an annual report of the Library (ASH, p.14) to the V.C.; a copy of this report is submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.



Vice President for Academic Affairs: The Library is directly accountable to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who is regularly informed of the total operation of the Library. He is the immediate Supervisor of the Library Director.



Vice President for Development: S/he is responsible for the broad areas of capital development, the raising of necessary capital resources and institutional long range planning. The Library Director, forwards to her/him – and/or to his delegated staff - proposals relevant to secure funds for library projects.



Vice President for Finances and Administrative Affairs: All financial transactions are cleared through the Office of the Vice President for Finances and Administrative Affairs. The budget, orders, and payment of bills are the major areas of contact.




Budget: The Library operates on an annual budget approved by the Vice President for Finances and Administrative Affairs. The decision is based on information presented by the Library Director who must plan a year ahead so that s/he can prepare in ample time her/his statement of needs and the records of the previous year’s expenditures.

The budget includes (among others):




      A.  Books
Periodicals/Journals – online/print
General Supplies/Materials/other expenses
 Audio-visual and electronic materials and equipment.




Financial Records: All library purchases and payments are made through the Finance Office. All library books and periodicals are ordered directly from the publisher/dealer by the designated librarians, but are paid for by Finance Office upon presentation of invoices/receipts. The Library must keep a record of all payments made during the current year.




Department allocation of book funds: The Library maintains a departmental allotment system. This is accounted for in the annual budget. Teacher involvement in selection and acquisition must, therefore, be coordinated by the faculty deans/department chairpersons.



Director of Office of Human Resources – The Director of the Office of Human Resources is the person consulted within areas which concern the library staff’s professional development/training, performance appraisal, implementation of work policies emanating from this Office, and other issues that may arise.



Dean of Students: The Library deals with the Dean of Students in the following areas.




Library Orientation




Library activities that will involve students.




Relations with the Student Senate.




Infraction of Library rules and regulations by students.



Registrar: The Library, in coordination with the Registrar's Office, makes sure that students clear their circulation record before they are allowed to receive their grades, transcripts or their graduation diploma.



Communications, Alumni & Guest Relations Manager: Authorizes individual or group visits and informs the Library Director of such visits ahead of time. The Library submits to this Office, library news, activities and other announcements that need to be published in the Weekly Bulletin.



Business Manager: Requests for any library purchase other than books, periodicals, CDs/DVDs, audio-visual equipment and computer software are made to the office of the Business Manager. Appropriate forms must be filled out by the staff concerned and/or secretary and signed by the Library Director.



Bookstore Manager: Requests for stationery and other office supplies are made to the Bookstore Manager. Appropriate forms must be filled out by the secretary and signed by the Library Director.



Print-shop Manager: Requests for printing or photocopying library materials are made to the Print Shop Manager. Appropriate forms must be filled out by the secretary and signed by the Library Director.



Plant Personnel Manager: All requests for maintenance, cleaning as well as extra manual help are made to the Plant Personnel Manager via email or the appropriate forms filled out by the secretary and signed by the Library Director.





Library Director (stipulations in the Academic Staff Handbook (ASH), pp.13 & 14




Directs and supervises the total operation of the University and is responsible for the efficient and effective administration of library resources, facilities, and services.




Develops the University's collection of books, periodicals, and audio-visual materials in accordance with the needs of the programs of the University. In coordination with the Vice President for Development, investigates potential sources for the acquisition of additional [funding].




Prepares the annual library budget, submits it to the Vice President for Finances and Administrative Affairs and takes charge of expenditures of allocated funds [in consultation/coordination with the Library Administrative Team (LAT)].




Is responsible for formulating and implementing policies governing the  personnel of the Library and supervises the performance of the entire Library staff.




Encourages maximum utilization of the library resources for teaching and research and continuously reviews the effectiveness of the Library for playing its proper role in support of the University's programs, course offerings [as well as faculty research].




Coordinates and opens channels of communications between the administration, teachers, and students toward increased understanding of the Library's needs, [concerns] and functions.




Is responsible for maintaining relations with libraries of institutions and agencies that the university has consortium agreements with and for inter-library use arrangements.




Prepares an annual report of Library services and activities, growth of collection and resources, staff performance, including projections/ recommendations and submits this to the Vice Chancellor, with a copy to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.




Is responsible for studying and incorporating electronic methods of information technology into the library resources available to faculty and students [as well as off-campus researchers].




Is a member of the Administrative and Academic Councils.



Deputy Library Director




Oversees staff and the operation of the Library in the absence of the Director.




Other items assigned by the Library Director while s/he is away.



Head of English Technical Services




Manages the overall functioning of the English Technical Services in a way that would meet the needs of the readers in the best and most efficient manner.




Classifies and catalogs English books.




Manages the overall processing of books.




Takes care of all correspondence and payment to publishers and dealers.




Coordinates work among the staff working for the English section.




Offers reference service, especially for the English collection.




Maintains silence and order on the second floor.




Oversees the maintenance of the photocopier on the second floor.




Checks on and supervises student assistants assigned to her section/floor.




Checks the data entry typed by the secretary.




Coordinates book acquisition and purchasing.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Head of Arabic Technical Services




Manages the overall functioning of the Arabic Technical Services in a way that would meet the needs of the readers in the best possible way.




Classifies and catalogs Arabic books.




Manages the overall processing of books.




Coordinates work among the staff working for the Arabic section.




Checks data entry typed by the secretary.




Offers assistance to users.




Maintains silence and order on the first floor.




Takes care of all correspondence and payment to publishers and dealers.




Checks on and supervises the work of student assistants assigned to her section/floor.




Coordinates book acquisition and purchasing.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Head of Audio-visual Center Services




Manages the overall functioning of the Audio-visual Center in a way that would best support the instructional programs of the University; enhances the use of the Library facilities and services by both faculty and students, and upgrades equipment and other resources to best serve the academic community.




Coordinates the daily operations and services of the Audio-visual Center.




Carries out all types of routine tasks and services as requested by the   clientele.




Oversees the upkeep and upgrade of the library management system and the library computers.




Purchases necessary audio-visual materials and equipment.




Maintains all audio-visual and library computer equipment in good form and conducts an annual inventory.




Sets policies and procedures in coordination with the Audio-visual Center staff and in consultation with the Library Director.




Provides technical support and services for on-campus programs and activities.




Supervises the use of the video-conferencing facility.




Liaises with the Computer Center.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Head of Circulation and Periodical Services




Supervises the general functioning of the Circulation desk and Reserve   shelf and coordinates work among the Circulation Staff for a smooth and efficient service. Also manages the journals/periodicals collection and makes it readily accessible to readers; enhances the growth of the electronic journals in consultation with teachers and in dialogue with the Library Director.




Maintains an accurate record of periodical subscriptions, renewal and   payment.




Oversees the purchase of the (local) periodicals in Arabic.




Offers assistance to students regarding research on journals/periodicals.




Receives all mail and correspondence pertaining to subscriptions to journals/periodicals.




Manages the overall functioning of the Circulation desk.




Trains and supervises student-assistants in the journals/periodicals room and assigns them where they are most needed.




Oversees the organization of the Reserve Shelf.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Curator of Turathuna Center - Acquisitions Librarian




Directs the overall functioning of the Turathuna Center and offers assistance to users.




Directs the acquisition process in a way that would ensure quick and efficient delivery of book orders.




Turathuna Center:




Welcomes and attends to visitors.




Researches and prepares items for display and for the Intranet.




Offers reference services involving the Palestinian collection.




Checks and supervises the work of the students-assistants assigned to her section.




Maintains an orderly environment in the Center.




Organizes activities to make Turathuna known by other educational institutions.








Performs the various steps in the acquisition process.




Receives requests for new purchases from faculty.




Checks them against the catalog.




Sends orders to dealers/publishers.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Reference Librarian




Renders reference services to the readers in order to make them better users of the library.




Assists the Arabic section in classification and cataloging of Arabic books.




Checks on and supervises the student assistant/s assigned to shelving reference books.




Maintains a quiet study atmosphere in the Reference section.




Oversees the maintenance of the photocopier in the Reference section.




Assists in classifying and cataloging Arabic books.




Checks data entry of Arabic books typed by the secretary.




Assists in the overall processing of Arabic books.




Advises the head of Arabic and English section on acquiring new reference books based on readers' needs.




Receives local individual or group visitors from outside the library and the University when Arabic is necessary (foreign visitors will be received by the Library Director).




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Presents instructional sessions in the use of the library resources and services.




Assists in classifying audio-visual materials in Arabic.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Archivist  and Assistant to the Circulation Librarian




Manages the overall functioning of the Archives in an organized and efficient manner.




Maintains an organized system for the Archives collection.




Assists in transactions and ensuring delivery of quality services at the Circulation desk.




Sends regular email notification of overdue books to students and teachers.




Maintains quiet and order on the ground floor.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Library Paraprofessionals
(Note: These are B.A. graduates, not trained as librarians or those with secretarial diploma who can be assigned at different work stations)




Circulation Desk, Acquisitions, Arabic Section, Turathuna Center




Assists in transactions and ensuring delivery of quality services at the Circulation desk.




Assists in organizing the Reserve Shelf.




Maintains quiet and order on the ground floor.




Assists in the overall processing of Arabic books.




Performs the various steps in the acquisition process for Arabic books.




Receives requests for new purchase from faculty and checks them against the catalog.




Sends orders to dealers.




Receives new books and updates the acquisition record.




Stamps new books.




Assists in the functioning and the organization of activities at the Turathuna Center.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.




Audio-visual Center




Works with the Head of the Audio-visual Center in the overall management and daily functioning of the Audio-visual Center in order to offer the best possible service to faculty, students, and staff as well as off-campus clientele.




Assists users in using all types of audio-visual resources, services, and facilities.




Accepts reservations, sets up audio-visual equipment and lends materials and equipment.




Processes audio- visual materials, sorts them out and shelves them.




Copies audiocassettes, videocassettes, CDs, and DVDs and records programs off the air.




Assists library staff in using computers.




Provides technical support and service for on-campus programs and activities.




Supervises the use of the video-conferencing facility.




Maintains audio-visual equipment.




Maintains the library website.




Supervises student assistants assigned at the Audio-visual Center.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.



Secretaries/Library Aides
(Note: These may also be B.A. graduates)




Secretary to the Library Director




Provides secretarial services and performs whatever assignments are given to her by the Library Director.




Runs the office in an organized and efficient manner.




Provides typing and photocopying services for the Library Director.




Maintains an appropriate filing system.




Makes and receives phone calls and takes messages for the Director and staff.




Attends to students and visitors and offers assistance when needed.




Oversees the maintenance of the photocopier in the staff work area on the ground floor.




Sends and receives mail daily and sends faxes when needed.




Offers help to students in the Periodical room when necessary.




Assists in training and supervising student-assistants.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Oversees opening and closing of the library.




Secretary to Head of English Technical Services




Assists the Head of the Technical Services in various areas of work.




Assists in the data entry of books in English and in the over-all processing of books in this section.




Maintains book stacks in order through shelf-reading and shelving of books.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Any other tasks assigned by the Library Director.




Secretary to Head of Arabic Technical Services




Assists the Head of the Arabic Technical Services in the quick and efficient processing of books and other library materials.




Trains and supervises student-assistants and assists in organizing activities for them.




Types correspondence and reports for the Head of the Arabic Section.




Enters data of Arabic books in the




Assists in the overall processing of the Arabic books.




Assists in the annual inventory/shelf-reading of books.




Other items assigned by the Library Director.






All staff members of the Library, including the Library Director are accountable to someone else. Everyone is expected to work in an efficient, intelligent, and courteous manner.




Toward the university community

The primary duty of the library staff is to serve the university community. All contacts are to be handled in a friendly and courteous manner. Every staff member is a public relation officer for the Library in particular and the University in general. Staff members should not become too engrossed in mechanical routines that patrons are ignored. Visiting with friends or discussing personal affairs should not occur while on duty on the different floors, offices, and workrooms.




Toward co-workers

All staff members should be considerate, courteous and helpful towards each other, especially when it may be necessary to work at a task which is not specifically a part of the staff member's regular job description. Teamwork is the spirit that should prevail in the Library.

Staff members are responsible for doing the work assigned to them by the immediate supervisor accurately, efficiently and as pleasantly as possible. If there is a question or complaint about the work assignment, the staff member concerned should feel free to discuss it privately with the immediate supervisor.

Staff meetings are held regularly at the beginning and at the end of the semester.

Other meetings may be on call if urgent matters arise.




Professional attitude and conduct:


Staff working hours: Working hours at the Library are from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. Schedule adjustments are made on make-up days called for by the Administration.


Punctuality: All Staff members should be in the Library and ready for work on time. This means arriving at the Library 5 minutes ahead of the schedule.


Borrowing Privileges: All circulating materials are available to the staff. All materials must be checked out at the Circulation desk. Materials in the processing area are not to be removed or handled for browsing or for any other purpose.


Equipment, etc.: All staff members should take care of Library equipment, furnishings and property. At the end of the day, all desks should be tidied and work materials put away. All work areas should be maintained in a neat, orderly condition.


Telephone calls: Personal telephone calls are discouraged except in emergency cases. All personal telephone calls should be kept as brief as possible.


Conversations: Conversations should be kept to a minimum and should never interfere with the service to patrons.


Grooming/Dress Code: The community image of the Library is, at least in part, projected by the wearing apparel and appearance of the staff members. It is therefore important that all staff members be well-groomed and properly dressed.


Staff Bulletin Board: Staff members should consult the bulletin board in the workroom for announcements and other related information.


Special responsibilities: Each staff member is responsible for providing the Library Director with the current address, telephone number and an emergency contact. The staff member is also responsible for all keys given in trust and the return of the same upon termination of employment.




Work Performance:

An essential element of courtesy and cooperation is good work performance. Tardiness in coming to work or in returning from a break, carelessness which results in tasks left undone – all these place an unjust burden on fellow workers and detract from the quality of services given to patrons. Each staff member owes the Library and fellow workers a full day's work of the best quality. Working in the spirit of the aforementioned rules of conduct will result in a smoother operation of the Library in rendering service to the whole academic community.





Work-Study Program: Library Student-Assistants

The student-assistants comprise an essential component of the regular Library staff. Every semester, between 20 to 30 students are selected to work in the Library within the University work-study grant program. This program entitles a student to a reduction in the tuition fees for an input of 6 hours of work per week throughout the semester.

The students are selected on the basis of financial need and good academic performance (a GPA of not less than 2.50). First year students in their first semester are not eligible for work.



B.U. Library Scholarship

In December 1992, the Administration of Bethlehem University approved a proposal presented by the Library to establish the "B.U.L Scholarship Fund for (one or two) Best Student-Assistant/s."




This scholarship fund was established to help shape and nurture the Bethlehem University Graduate “Profile” as characterized by the discussion held on the Staff Day of Dec.7, 1991. The type of graduate that Bethlehem University aspires to produce is embodied in the student-assistants of the Library. These students learn how to be self-supporting, how to manage between work and study and imbibe values of cooperation, responsibility, and punctuality. With the work experience they acquire they will be better prepared for their future careers.

This scholarship aims at highlighting as well as rewarding such a type of B.U. prospective graduate.





To express to the student-assistants the love, respect and appreciation of the Library Staff for their integral role in the daily functioning of the Library.


To motivate the students-assistants towards a better academic as well as job performance, and a greater degree of commitment and dedication.


To create among the whole student body an attitude of respect towards their fellow students in order to provide them with a sufficient degree of confidence and authority which would help them carry out their duties.


To build up a greater degree of acceptance among the student body of the concept of a work-study grant rather than a request for financial help. “Something for something" is more educational then "something for nothing.” “Doling out” is ruled out here.


Bethlehem University Library seeks to play a more interactive and proactive role in the academic community, thus share in the fulfillment of the University goals.



Value of the Scholarship

The work-study-grant offered to student-assistant/s is worth JD 150.00 deducted from the tuition fees. The B.U. Library Scholarship covers an additional amount of JD 150.00 for the recipient of the said scholarship.




The scholarship is granted to one or two qualified student/s at the beginning of every Fall and Spring term. Summer sessions are excluded.



Funds for the scholarship

The Library Staff take upon themselves the responsibility of raising funds either through personal contributions and/or activities held for this purpose.  A special account is available in the Finance Office.



Selection Criteria


A student-assistant must have worked for at least two terms in the Library (not necessarily consecutive).


A student-assistant must have an excellent work record as regards:



The least number of absences whether excused or unexcused.



Commitment to the work schedule with no frequent requests for changes.



Abiding by library regulations.



Acceptance of work instructions with a good spirit.



Good and efficient performance.



Punctuality, reliability and cooperation with work colleagues.


A student-assistant must have a G.P.A. of 3.00 as minimum.


The same student-assistant may be eligible twice only for this scholarship throughout his/her stay at the University, and preferably in a non-consecutive manner, in order to give chance to the others.


A student-assistant in his/her last term before graduation is not eligible for the scholarship.


If only one student-assistant meets all the selection criteria, then only one will be awarded the scholarship. If none, the criteria will not be forfeited and there will be no recipient for that term.


If two are eligible for the scholarship with the same G.P.A., each will get the complete value of the scholarship. In case there is a third eligible for the scholarship, that is, one with a higher G.P.A. and two with the same G.P.A., the two share equally the value of the scholarship.



Selection Procedure

Members of the Library Staff who have student-assistants assigned to their section and the librarian-in-charge of these students observe them throughout the term. An appraisal sheet is used for this purpose. By the end of the term, the appraisal sheets are gathered and screened by the Library Administrative Team which will select qualified candidates based on the Selection Criteria.

From this list, one (or two) will be selected with the highest G.P.A. and an excellent work performance as the decisive factors. The recipient/s of the scholarship will be informed and it will be officially announced via the appropriate media of communication of the University at the beginning of the next term. The Finance Office will be also informed through the endorsement made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs upon the recommendation of the Library Director.



Terminating the Scholarship

The Director of the Library upon consultation with the Library staff, may suggest to the Vice President for Academic Affairs to terminate the scholarship. Rationale and objectives for termination should be as valid as those that led to the creation of the scholarship.

The final approval for termination will rest with the Vice President for Academic Affairs.





Library Services




Circulation Services

Borrowing, renewing, and returning books all take place at the Circulation desk. Likewise using reserve materials placed by teachers for students and other usual library transactions also occur at the Circulation desk manned by a team of Library staff.




Reserve Shelf

This shelf is found behind the Circulation desk. It contains copies of recommended books and other materials placed on reserve by teachers for students to use in specific classes. They are designated for room use only or overnight loan. This list is also uploaded on the Library homepage.




Arabic Technical Services

The Head of the Arabic Technical Services Section works closely with faculty in the selection of books in Arabic thereby developing the library collection to support curriculum-related needs. Arabic books are processed with prompt attention to make them available for faculty and student use. The staff in this section also aim to give the faculty members quick access to accurate information from references and materials in the Arabic collection.




English Technical Services

The Head of the English Technical Services Section is in charge of classifying, cataloging, and overseeing other technical processes insuring that books are made available to faculty and students as promptly as possible. The selection process is done in close cooperation with the various faculties and departments using the online acquisition form submitted to the Acquisition Librarian for English books. Teachers are sent an email to inform them when books are available and ready for use.




Journals/Periodicals Section

The Librarian-in-charge of the development and purchase of the print/online journals carries out this task in close collaboration with teachers from different faculties/departments who assist her in the selection process. Budget allocation is done with the Library Director.




Audio-visual Center

The Staff of the Audio-visual Center offer assistance to faculty in enhancing the learning-teaching process in the classroom. They also offer group and individual sessions to instruct teachers in specific areas such as the use of the video-conference room for connections with other universities especially those overseas.




Reference Services

The Reference Librarian, stationed on the ground floor, is available to assist students, teachers, and other users in finding books/other resources using the on-line catalog and to answer general informational questions.




Library Instruction

Library Skills (LIBR 101) is a university requirement for all first year students. This course introduces the student to the three major media of information: print, audio-visual and electronic. It also aims at familiarizing the student with the research strategy approach including selection of a topic, using information sources, and preparing a bibliography. Evaluation is based on the completion of the project, a seven-item bibliography, and a final exam. All first year students register for the seven-week course according to their faculty.

An instructor-librarian has been employed to teach this course. Library staff members are available to give instructional sessions in addition to LIBR 101. A specialized training session in a particular subject will be offered upon request. Planning should be arranged by the teacher and the library staff member.





The Archivist organizes and preserves the history of Bethlehem University. Photographs, documents, brochures, newsletters, newspaper articles, course catalogs, and other memorabilia are collected. In 1999 the Archives was relocated to the third floor of the Library and is included in the structure and organization of the Library. The Archivist is accountable to the Library Director to whom she reports.



Library Committees




Library Administrative Team (LAT)

The LAT is composed of the different heads of sections in the Library. As a team it assists and advises the Library Director, who also convokes the team for planning, study of issues and concerns that arise, and consultation on some areas of decision-making.  The Team is basically in-charge of the LLT meetings.




Library Liaison Team (LLT)

The purpose of the LLT is to communicate/exchange concerns and interests between the Library staff and the teaching faculty for the purpose of improving library resources and services.  The team is composed of a representative of each department/faculty and the heads of each section of the Library.  A single annual meeting with all the representatives is scheduled in the Fall semester. Another meeting in the Spring may be called for when the need arises.



(please also refer to



For Faculty/Staff




Loan Procedures

Faculty may borrow up to twenty books at one time for a period of eight weeks. The University ID card serves as the library card. Faculty must not lend books to students under the faculty member’s name; such a practice creates confusion in the circulation records. All books are due to be returned at the end of each semester; it’s important to keep the circulation record up-to-date. Email alerts to remind faculty that their books are due are sent regularly. It is important to let library staff know that books borrowed are still needed so they can be renewed. Otherwise fines are incurred for overdue books.

Reference books do not circulate except for class use; once borrowed, they must be returned immediately after use. The latest issue of periodicals/journals may be borrowed for the weekend only.  Loose back issues may be borrowed for one week. Bound periodicals are treated like reference books.




Reserve Shelf

Faculty may put books and other materials on the Reserve Shelf located behind the Circulation desk.  Teachers must bring such materials to the Library and fill out the appropriate form (now online); indicate whether the reserve material is to be borrowed overnight or is reserved for room use only.  Loose pages will not be accepted unless properly compiled.

Short documents for E-reserves can be posted on the Library homepage.




Periodical Room

Hard-copies of journals/periodicals are arranged on the racks by categories such as: General, Science, Nursing, Middle East, etc. Back issues are kept in the red boxes on the shelves until a volume is complete. When the volume is bound it is moved to the second floor in the bound periodicals section. The cardex lists in alphabetical order all the available periodical subscriptions, indicating the starting date of the subscription, missing issues, and bound volumes. Periodical indexes are also available. The Libsys (Library Automated System) has a more updated listing; please consult the Librarian for more information.




Audio-visual Center

The AV collection includes non-print materials and equipment to support the instructional program. Faculty can borrow videocassettes, audio cassettes, CD-ROMs, disks, DVDs and the necessary equipment for their use. The Center also provides the equipment/facility for their use. Reservation should be made three days in advance of the need.




Book Selection

The Library has a book selection policy within which the professional staff of the Library operates. Teachers are encouraged to recommend specific titles in their fields of specialty. Each department/faculty is allocated a certain budget for purchasing books. Use "Online Acquisition" under "Library Services" on the Library homepage to request new books for purchase. The general policy is to purchase a single copy of each title. Books needed for faculty offices are not included in library purchases. The ultimate responsibility for book selection rests with the Library Director and the professional staff. When the purchased books arrive they are processed, placed in the new books display cases and emails are sent to respective teachers to alert and inform them that the books are ready to be on loan.



For Students

(please also refer to:




Loan Procedures

The student must have a current university ID card in order to borrow books. The card is not transferable. Present the ID card with the books to the circulation librarian. The loan period is for three weeks; five books plus one reserve book can be borrowed at one time. Seminar students are allowed seven books at one time. Reference books do not circulate. Reserve books may be used in the Library upon deposit of the university ID card and may be borrowed overnight after 2:30 PM until 9:00 AM the following day. Reserve books are issued on a first come, first served basis. A fine will be imposed on all those who keep books and materials past the date due. Payment is made for lost books. Suspension of library privileges will be imposed on those who do not follow these procedures.




Quiet Study

A quiet study atmosphere must be maintained at all times. There is no place in the Library for group work or social conversation. Study carrels are designed for individual study. Students who want to do serious study must be allowed to concentrate. Use of the Library is reserved for individual, quiet study. For group activity another location on campus must be selected.

Food, beverages, and smoking are prohibited. The use of cell phones is strictly prohibited to ensure/enforce a quiet, serene atmosphere of study.





An automatic security system has been installed in the Library. Students are required to leave their bags at the control desk upon entering the Library. It’s important not to leave money, IDs, or any other valuable items in the bags. Carry any valuable items. The Library assumes no responsibility for missing articles and valuables.  All library books must be checked at the circulation desk before leaving.





Students are requested to cooperate in maintaining the order of books on the shelves. Books are placed in order according to the call number, a combination of letters and numbers. Take from the shelves only the books needed. After use place them on the book trolleys. In browsing through the shelves, place the book back in the exact place found.

The above policies and procedures are established in order to provide for all the students a location on campus for serious study. The respect and courtesy due to other students requires the cooperation of all.



For Graduates/MA/PhD Students

Graduates of Bethlehem University have privileges to use the Library after filling in a form with an annual payment of NIS 50.  All other procedures and policies for students apply to graduates.



For Off-Campus Users

During the academic year, that is from September to May, off-campus users – students from other West Bank universities or those coming from overseas – may use the Library and its resources/facilities on Wednesdays and Fridays.   In view of the priority to serve our faculty, staff, and students and with the over-riding concern that there is an alarming increase of overdue books from our library clientele including BU graduates, no book loan is allowed to outsiders.

Special researchers on a transient status – doing some serious, investigative studies - are given a concession on a case-to-case basis and upon an interview-meeting with the Library Director. There is a also a very limited list of guest-users, foreign teachers or employees with proof of a year-long residence (or more) and with reference persons  in Bethlehem, who are allowed to loan out books with the payment of an annual fee.

0%; margin-right: 0pt"> After the summer session and in-between semesters, the Library is closed to all for an inventory of books and for an upkeep of materials, resources, and equipment in order to prepare for the new academic year.







Policy on Acceptance of Donations

Building and developing the library collection is a primary task of the University Librarians. The Library is interested in adding materials to the collection that improve its overall quality and provide good resources that support the curriculum. The Library accepts donations based on the following criteria:


The content of the book is current.


The book treats of topics related to the academic program of the university.


The book is appropriate for the reading and interest level of the students.


The book is in good condition. Old worn out, damaged books with torn pages, underlined and highlighted passages, and missing pages are not accepted.


Duplicate copies are not added to the collection unless there is a need.


Only complete sets of periodicals and journals fulfilling the same criteria stated above will be accepted.


A list will be provided by the donor with author, title, publisher, publishing date, number of pages, and any significant features. The Library Staff will decide which books to receive.


Arrangements for shipping will be made by the donor. The University Library does not accept responsibility for shipping charges of donated books.




Policy on Weeding the Library Collection

One of the responsibilities of the Library Staff is removing from the library collection those materials that are no longer appropriate, nor supportive of the university curriculum. Removing such materials improves the overall quality of the collection.

Factors to be considered in weeding out materials from the library book collection include:


The condition of the book: missing or mutilated pages, loose pages, fragile and brittle paper, torn cover, writing, highlighting, underlining marks on the pages, damaged binding;


Duplicates:  the number of book copies in relation to space and frequency of use;


Edition and content: superseded edition, where material is with outdated, inaccurate factual content; with outdated interpretation of values and attitudes; no longer in circulation.


Cost: replacing the book with a newer edition will not incur an unreasonable expense.

The same factors apply as appropriate to non-book materials. The subject of the material will affect these factors.





Bethlehem University Library Update (online newsletter) – this is an annual publication, in newsletter format that comes out at the end of the academic year, to inform our readers/members of happenings in the Library during the year, presenting some highlights and regular features of interest. The Library staff, especially the Library Administrative Team (LAT) contribute their ideas, articles and expertise in preparing and producing this newsletter.



Library Homepage (online) – within the Library website or independent of it, this homepage details information about the Library as follows:




About BUL – contains information about the mission statement, library story, library staff, library manual, opening hours and floor plan.




Publications – makes a listing of informative material the Library produces for its users/readers (this is section 10 of this Manual).




Services – an enumeration of what the Library offers which are also discussed in this Manual, section 8.




Policies and Procedures – these are also stipulated in this Manual, section 9.




Online Databases – this enumerates the various online subscriptions to databases.




Turathuna Center for Palestinian Heritage – this section gives a description of this Center, including its background, policies, and donors.




Website Resources - Internet sites for study and research, selected by Bethlehem University librarians and faculty, arranged by departments and major fields of study are included in this section.




Search – this is an online “card catalog,” a mechanism that facilitates users’ search for materials in the Library using OPAC (“Online Public Access Catalog,” which may also be accessed from home).



Library Skills Series (“How-to-Modules” for Library Skills Acquisition)




How To Use a Book – this pamphlet explains the basic parts of a book, its physical description and points out the three sections in a book, namely: preliminaries, text matter, and subsidiaries.




How to Use Reference Books – in this module, the definition, arrangement and types of reference books are elaborated.




How to Prepare a Bibliography – this is a useful tool to help students in going about their research work. It contains the following sections:

- definition and purpose of a bibliography
- arrangement of entries

- steps to be considered in preparing a bibliography




How to Use the Audio-visual Center – in this pamphlet, the  Audio-visual Center as a modern facility is presented with the following features:

- materials/resources, equipment, services and facilities
- borrowing privileges and loan procedures
- timetable



Library Skills Course




Description This course introduces the student to the three major media of information: print, audio-visual, and electronic. It also aims at familiarizing the student with the research strategy approach including selection of a topic, using information sources, and preparing a bibliography.





- Unit I:  Research strategy and print sources of information
- Unit II: Audio-visual sources
- Unit III: Electronic media



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